Thank you to our many PFT supporters!


Rescuing dogs can be a balancing act with funds. I rescued only young dogs for a few years, made $50 here or there and put the extra amount towards the one-off senior dog I longed to help. Rescuing old dogs, continuously, is phenomenally costly. Especially when one gives the care PFT does , time and time again. Each dog that comes into care creates an enormous deficit in funds. It can cost anything from $200-$5000 per dog. I can’t personally sustain those costs. I have 5 of my own dogs, a typical Sydney-sized mortgage and I like to splurge on holidays, handbags, and dinners out, like many of us do.

What I can give is the management, one-on-one care and the RESCUING of a particular dog.

Donations are important. They are the back-bone of allowing us to do the work we do. Sadly, we logistically are unable to personally thank each donator as deposits into the PFT account do not allow for direct contact details. And although we hate doing it this way, it’s the only way we can ‘personally’ pass on our thanks. People who have donated in June to the PFT or PayPal account, this is for you:

“Thank you for believing in this wonderful cause of assisting special needs / senior dogs from Sydney-based council pounds who are neither reclaimed by their owner or adopted by the public. Although the PFT Facebook page is full of many happy stories and heartwarming pictures, never forget the underlying issue of why we are here. Each of our dogs are sad, sick or terminally ill. They all need a lending hand. And that hand is us, the PFT community of people who want to make a difference. Peekaboo has been an ongoing project with many costs. Honey Jumbles will require further surgery to give her the best opportunity of a happily ever after. Gumboot has been a very costly and well deserved rescue. Barney Rubble and his care/ultra sounds/x-Rays are a sad part of life. And Malcolm? He’s a BIG dog where costs are more than double for everything. We never short-change any of our dogs with their care, but ensure that the funds are used sensibly and wisely to the best of our knowledge at the time of carrying out the work. So thank you to those lovely people who have contributed immensely for the care of each of our dogs”.

With love, Mrs PFT xhoney jumble 2

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